Read cookie

No cookie set from the browser, need to visit setcookie.yaws to set the cookie first

The code to read the cookie, is simple, we get the cookie passed to the yaws code in the #arg structure which is the argument supplied to the out/1 function.

We use the yaws_api:find_cookie_val/2 function to parse the raw cookie string passed to us from the browser. The code is:


<h2> Read cookie </h2>

out(A) ->
    C = H#headers.cookie,

    L=case yaws_api:find_cookie_val("foobar", C) of
          [] ->
              f("<p> No cookie set from the browser, need to "
                "visit <a href=\"setcookie.yaws\">setcookie.yaws</a> "
                "to set the cookie first ~n", []);
          PidStr ->
              Pid = list_to_pid(PidStr),
              Pid ! {self(), tick},
                  {Pid, VisitList} ->
                    f("<p> Yes, I read your cookie "
                      "You have vistited this page ~w times "
                      "they were ~n<ol> ~n~s </ol>~n "

                      "Reloading this page will show the session state ",

                       lists:map(fun(D) ->
                                         f("<li> ~p~n", [D])  end,
              after 500 ->
                      f("<p> You had a cookie, but the pid handling your sess "
                        "timedout ...",[])
    {html, L}.


The code to read the cookie, is simple, we get the cookie passed to the yaws
code in the #arg structure which is the argument supplied to the out/1 function.

<p>We use the <tt>yaws_api:find_cookie_val/2</tt> function to parse
the raw cookie string passed to us from the browser.

The code is:
out(A) ->
    yaws_api:pre_ssi_files(A#arg.docroot, ["readcookie.yaws"]).
